Discover the Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign has helped many achieve their smile goals in recent years, thanks to its clear aligners because nobody can tell that you are undergoing orthodontic care as an adult. If you're curious about the treatment and would like to know more, then reach out to your Cambridge, ON, dentists Dr. Moon Chow and Dr. Sepehr Jafar-Pour of Woodland Park Dental.

More than Clear

Invisalign clear aligners are far less noticeable than traditional braces, but that's not all they have going for them. They go on your mouth similarly to how you would wear a mouthguard, and you can take them off just as easily. It is the fact that you can remove them on your own that really sets them apart from braces.

They are meant to be removed when you eat and when you clean your teeth. Which instantly eliminates the most stringent restrictions that braces impose on you.

With traditional braces, your diet is limited so that you will not damage the components of the device, and cleaning your teeth while wearing braces requires extra diligence because they create harder-to-reach areas.

Because you can remove clear aligners you can eat what you want and clean your teeth as you normally would. This freedom does require a certain level of self-discipline, as most dentists would agree that a diet high in sugary foods and drinks can be damaging to the health of your smile, and aligners do require that you wear them at least 22 hours out of the day. Doing less can lengthen the time of treatment.

Invisalign in Cambridge, ON

Invisalign can treat most of the same conditions as braces can, but they may not be as effective with more severe corrections and are usually not recommended for younger teens. To find out if you're a candidate for clear aligners make an appointment today with Dr. Chow and Dr. Jafar-Pour of Woodland Park Dental in Cambridge, ON, by dialing (519) 651-1250.

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    100 Jamieson Pkwy #12
    Cambridge, ON N3C 4B3, Canada

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    (519) 651-1250

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    Mon to Thu 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
    Fri 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Sat 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    Sun CLOSED